Cloud Solutions

Cloud Computing refers to delivering hosted services over the Internet. The services tend to be divided into three categories: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service(SaaS). A cloud service has characteristics that differentiate it from traditional hosting. It is offered on-demand, is elastics – so the user can have as much or as little of the service they want – and is fully managed by the provider. A cloud can be either public or private. A public cloud sells services to anyone on the Internet; a private cloud is a data center or proprietary network that supplies hosted services to a restricted number of users. If a service provider chooses public cloud resources to create their own private cloud, the result is a virtual private cloud. Whether public or private, the goal of cloud computing is to provide scalable and easy-to-access resources and IT services.

What does this all mean to you?
The answer is, “it depends”. Let Recogniti help guide you through the options and possibilities so you can effectively evaluate what cloud services make sense for your organization. You may want to opt for a public environment in which cloud resources are shared. Or perhaps, you’d feel more comfortable in a dedicated private cloud. You can also go with a hybrid cloud solution if it makes the most sense for your organization. HIPAA compliance, secure encryption requirements, data security, and performance concerns are only a few of the considerations that have to be considered in determining whether or not these services will work for your organization.

Recogniti is currently providing cloud-based solutions, including:

  • Hosted Practice Management and EHR/EMR Solutions
  • Hosted ERP (Oracle E-Business, PeopleSoft, SAP) Solutions
  • Hosted Business Intelligence Solutions
  • Hosted E-Commerce Solutions
  • Recogniti’s Data-X-Change, Data Aggregator, and Business Solution Search Engine
  • Other client-specific applications

Please contact us to learn more about our cloud solutions.